


OPEN is a point of contact for all your questions about media and cultural accessibility research: are you looking for research on a specific theme? Are you looking for a research partner? Are you looking for someone to carry out contract research?

OPEN supports the accessibility research of the TricS research group of the University of Antwerp. TricS has many years of experience in the field of research into audiovisual translation and media accessibility, through doctorates, European research projects, conferences and workshops. More information about the ongoing (doctoral) research projects in Media Accessibility can be found below or on the TricS website. TricS is also the organizer of several international conferences on media accessibility, such as the "Third international symposium on live subtitling with speech recognition" (2010), "Media for All" (2009) and "Unlimited!" (2016). 


  • Self-perceptions of audio describers

    by Alicja Zajdel

    Alicja Zajdel's doctoral research is entitled "Self-perceptions of audio describers: Does how you see yourself affect how you describe?" and examines the relationship between the self-perceptions of describers and their writing process.

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  • OPEN Research network

    OPEN Research Network is a Media Accessibility research network aimed at early-career researchers (PhDs and post-docs). e.

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  • Listening to dance

    The Isomo project

    The Isomo Project is a dance performance in which choreographer Iris Bouche explores the relationship between language, movement, perception and transformation.

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  • A Touch of Museum to Scale

    An accessible art collection

    Het OPEN Expertisecentrum en Rubi - The Cultural Factory willen de kunstcollectie van de Universiteit Antwerpen toegankelijk maken voor een zo breed mogelijk publiek: studenten, personeel, bezoekers, met en zonder beperking. Voor de collectie 'Museum to Scale', die tentoongesteld wordt in Gebouw R op de Stadscampus hebben we daarom een project opgestart, waarin we een inclusieve kunstervaring mogelijk willen maken.

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  • Machine translation and audio description

    by Kim Steyaert

    Kim Setayert's PhD project studies de effectiveness and efficiency of machine translation for audio description from English into Dutch.

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  • accessibility meets multimedia learning

    by Yanou Van Gauwbergen

    Effect van intralinguale live ondertiteling op perceptie, prestatie en cognitieve belasting in een universiteitscollege in het Engels bij Vlaamse studenten

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